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General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Use

(This is an automatic translation, please see the French version to read the original GTCS/GTCU)
1. General Information

These general terms and conditions of use and sale (hereinafter "GTC/GTU") apply exclusively to the Services offered by the company LA VOYAGEUSE, SAS with a capital of 10,000 euros, whose registered office is located at 20 rue de la paix, PESSAC (33600), registered in the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Register under number 83 874804 400 016 (hereinafter "the Company"). The Services are accessible via the website published by the Company at www.nomadsister.com (hereinafter "the Site") and include:

  • Access to the Site
  • Search by criteria and consultation of Host Members' Profiles
  • Connecting Traveling Members with Host Members
Since June 1, 2024, a new system has been implemented on the platform, transitioning from a Pass system to a free contribution starting from a minimum fee. Here is the FAQ PDF from before June 2024.

2. Contact Us

To contact the Company, you can:
Use the online form on nomadsister.com. 

3. Preamble

The Company invites its Users and Members to read these GTC/GTU carefully. The GTC/GTU apply to all Services provided by the Company to its Users and Members. The GTC/GTU are systematically communicated to Users and Members upon request. The User is required to read the GTC/GTU before subscribing as a Member. The Company reserves the right to modify the clauses of these GTC/GTU at any time and without justification. In the event of subsequent modifications to the GTC/GTU, the use of the Services is subject to (i) the version in force on the day of use for Members who have paid a subscription to the Site. The Company advises anyone visiting the Site to save or print the GTC, without altering them. The data recorded in the Company's computer system constitutes proof of transactions concluded with the Members. These GTC/GTU prevail over any other general or special terms and conditions of the Users and Members. 

4. Definitions

"Membership" or "Join" refers to the action of a user creating an Account, a Profile, and paying an annual Membership fee at a set minimum price. Membership allows the Member to access a network of Host Members, view their Profile, and contact them through the Site to request temporary free accommodation. Membership is annual and automatically renewed at the rate chosen by the member. The payment of a Membership follows the conditions specified in these GTC/GTU.

"Pass" referred to the purchase of access allowing accommodation requests. This system no longer exists today. For more information, see the GTCU before June 2024.

"Gift Pass" referred to former paid vouchers offered by the Company, with different names, prices, and validity periods. It no longer exists today. For more information, see the GTCU before June 2024.

"Account" refers to the personal space created for each Member containing all their personal information, payment history, and travel history. This Account is only accessible by the Member with their registration email address and the password they chose.

"Member" refers to any person who has created an Account and paid a Membership, including Host Members and Traveling Members. Members who are not Traveling Members can view Host Members' Profiles but cannot contact them.

"Host Member" refers to any Member who has activated the "I wish to host" option on their profile. This status allows them to join the network of Hosts to temporarily and freely accommodate Traveling Members.

"Traveling Member" refers to any Member who has current accommodation requests.

"Ambassador Member" refers to any Member who volunteers and has an agreement with the Company to act as an ambassador as explained on the Site.

"Profile" refers to a Member's page visible on the Site by other Members.

"Services" refers to all the services offered to Members by the Company through the Site, including connecting Traveling Members with Host Members providing accommodation and people wishing to travel.

"Co-Traveling Member" refers to any Member accompanying a Traveling Member during a trip.

"Blacklisted Member" refers to a Member who has violated these GTCU. Their account has been permanently suspended without the possibility of re-registering or creating another account. If a Membership was in progress, it is unusable without the possibility of a refund.

"Purchase" refers to any purchase of a membership by a user on this Site to benefit from the Company's Services.

"User" refers to anyone who visits the Site, whether they are a Member or not.

5. Member Registration and Account Creation

Registration on the Site as a Member is open only to adult women with full legal capacity, in accordance with Article 225-3 4° of the Penal Code, which states that the provisions of Article 225-2 1° do not apply: "To discrimination based, in matters of access to goods and services, on sex when such discrimination is justified by the protection of victims of sexual violence, considerations related to respect for privacy and decency, the promotion of gender equality or the interests of men or women, freedom of association or the organization of sports activities."

Use of the Services offered on the Site is conditional upon the User registering on the Site as a Member and thus creating an Account. Registration as a Member and Account creation are subject to the purchase of a Membership. To register as a Member, the User must click on the "Register" tab on the Site and provide the requested information. The User then receives a confirmation email to validate the registration.

The User must fill in all mandatory fields, without which the Services cannot be delivered. If not, the registration cannot be completed.

The Member can then provide information about herself on her Profile by logging into her Account. Once the profile is completed and the Membership paid, the registration is subject to verification by the Company (ID, identity card, profile photo), which will validate this registration only if all elements comply with the requirements. 
6. Purchase of a Membership

6.1 Generalities

The purchase of a Membership is open to all adult women. She/he can cancel the Purchase before payment and acceptance of these GTC/GTU. The purchase of a Membership on the Site is completed when the User accepts these GTC/GTU by checking the box provided for this purpose and confirms the purchase. This confirmation constitutes proof of the contract. Finalizing the purchase implies acceptance of the prices and terms of service as indicated on the Site.

Once the purchase is paid, the User will receive confirmation by email to the address provided during registration. This confirmation will summarize the purchase and the information related to the Services.

In case of non-payment, incorrect email address, or other issues with the User's Account, the Company reserves the right to block access to the Site for that User until the problem is resolved. A Membership is nominative and applies only to a single account. It cannot be transferred from one account to another.

The Company commits to validate the Member's Profile as soon as possible, provided that all data and documents submitted by the Member comply with those required during the registration process as a Member. If it is impossible to validate the Profile, the Member will be informed by email to the address provided to the Company. In this case, the Membership will be canceled and refunded.

It is noted that Membership only grants access to the contact details of the network of Host Members and does not guarantee accommodation. The Host Member remains free to accept or reject a hosting request made by a Member. In case of acceptance, the arrangement of the accommodation will be made directly between the two Members concerned without the intervention of the Company, whose responsibility cannot be engaged in this regard.

6.2 Traveling with Others

A Traveling Member can travel with her female friends or with her children (for boys, up to 14 years old). Minor children of the Traveling Member do not need to have an account. If a Traveling Member travels with Co-travelers, these Co-travelers must all be Members.

A user is not allowed to:

  • Use an account that is not hers/his.
  • Travel to a Host Member without the Traveling Member who made the hosting request.

  • If a non-member traveler arrives at a Host Member's residence without the Traveling Member who made the hosting request, for any reason, the Host Member is not obliged to accommodate her and it is strongly discouraged. The account holder will be blacklisted.
  • In case of violation of these rules, the offending Members will be blacklisted.
6.3 Renewal

The Membership is renewed annually on the anniversary date of the first membership. The initially chosen amount is automatically deducted from the member's account.

7. Registration as a Host Member

At the end of the registration as a Member, the Member will automatically become a Host Member.

The residence of the Host Member can be approximately geolocated by other Members. The Host Member can be contacted by Traveling Members by phone or via the platform's messaging system. She will receive an email notification in case of a hosting request from another Member.

At any time, the Host Member can opt out and make her Profile invisible. This feature is accessible in the Account settings. 

8. Member Obligations

8.1 General Obligations

The Member agrees to use the Site in accordance with the stipulations herein. In particular, the Member agrees to:

  • Provide truthful and up-to-date information during registration on the Site.
  • Update her personal information on her Account.
  • Not disrupt the functioning of the Site.
  • Keep her login credentials and password confidential and not share them with anyone.
  • Not infringe on privacy, image rights, and the secrecy of correspondence when using the Site.
  • Not extract, reuse, store, reproduce, represent, or retain, directly or indirectly, on any medium, by any means, and in any form, any part of the Site that constitutes a database protected by legal provisions.
The Member undertakes generally not to contravene the legal and regulatory provisions applicable to the Services and particularly the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. The Member expressly agrees, under penalty of civil or criminal liability, that the content she posts online, including comments, or transmits by email will not be such as to, without this list being exhaustive:

  • Constitute a violation of the intellectual property rights of third parties; in this regard, the Member agrees not to reproduce or make public on the Site elements protected under copyright, trademark, or generally protected by any other intellectual property right held by third parties without the prior consent of the holders of such rights.
  • Contain computer viruses that could interrupt, destroy, or alter the functionality of the Site.
  • Advocate crimes or contain illegal, threatening, or messages of a pedophile, pornographic, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, revisionist nature or contrary to public order or good morals.
  • Infringe on the privacy or dignity of third parties.
  • Incite violence, fanaticism, crime, suicide, hate based on religion, race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity.
  • Harass other Members.
  • Promote or encourage any criminal activity or enterprise.
  • Solicit and/or communicate passwords and/or personal information for commercial or illegal purposes.
  • Transmit email chains, unsolicited mass mailings, instant messages, unwanted advertising messages, or unsolicited mail.
  • Contain advertising announcements and/or solicitations to offer products and/or services for sale through the Site.
  • Contain addresses or hyperlinks to external sites whose content is contrary to the laws and regulations in force, infringe on the rights of third parties, or are contrary to these conditions.
8.2 Specific Obligations of a Host Member

In the event of hosting requests from Traveling Members, it is entirely up to the Host Member to accept or reject a request for any reason. Host Members agree not to demand any remuneration from another Member. Host Members acknowledge that they do not host Traveling Members with the intention of selling their own services (breakfast, courses, a night in a guest house, etc.).

Typically, the duration of a Traveling Member's stay is several nights. She may also offer to host for fewer nights than requested, even just one night, or on other dates that suit her better. A Host Member joins a community of trust that promotes values of authentic and cultural exchanges. Her commitment is to be welcoming and open-minded. Ensure that her guest, the Traveling Member, feels at home. Reliability is important. If a Host Member has committed to hosting a Traveling Member, she must not let her down. In case of unforeseen events preventing the hosting of the Traveling Member, the Host Member agrees to contact the Traveling Member as soon as possible and, if possible, offer other solutions, and possibly inform the Company specifying the reasons for the impediment.

A Host Member who does not meet her commitments may have her Account deleted by the Company and become a Blacklisted Member. 
9. Liability

9.1. Member Liability

Any registered Member has a password to access her Account. This password is strictly personal and confidential and must not be shared with third parties under penalty of deletion of the registered Member's Account. Each registered Member is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of her password.

The Company shall not be held liable for any identity theft of a Member. If a Member suspects fraud at any time, she must contact the Company as soon as possible so that the Company can take the necessary measures and rectify the situation.

The Member is also responsible for the risks associated with using her login ID and password on her email account. The Member uses her personal email account and must comply with the terms of use of her email provider. The Member's email account password must remain secret. In the event of password disclosure, the Company declines all responsibility.

The Member assumes full responsibility for the use of the information and content present on her Account and Profile.

Any use of the Site and Services contrary to these T&Cs by the Member, which directly or indirectly causes damage to the Company, will result in compensation to the Company.

The Company is not responsible for the content of messages exchanged once the connection has been made between a Traveling Member and a Host Member.

All Host Members and Traveling Members have the opportunity to leave comments on the Site in accordance with the "Comments" section. The Member is solely responsible for the content she publishes.

Each Member can only hold one Account on the Site.

In case of non-compliance with the T&Cs, including the creation of multiple Accounts for one person, providing false information, or displaying inappropriate behavior during exchanges with another Member, the Company reserves the right to temporarily or permanently delete the Account created by the offending registered Member.

Inappropriate behavior includes:

  • Any act that does not comply with the law of the country (theft, violence, degradation, drug use, etc.).
  • Disrespecting a member, their entourage, and, in the case of a host, their household rules.
  • Endangerment.
  • A missed host/traveler meeting without notifying the other concerned member within a reasonable time: at least one week in advance, in the absence of unforeseeable causes. As soon as possible with an unforeseeable cause.
Account deletion results in the permanent loss of all benefits and services acquired on the Site. In the event of Account deletion by the Company due to failure to comply with the duties and obligations set forth in the T&Cs, the offending Member is formally prohibited from re-registering on the Site directly, through another email address, or through an intermediary without the express permission of the Company.

9.2. Company Liability

9.2.1. Company Liability for Site Availability

The Company states that the content of the Site may contain errors or omissions, and that it may be modified or updated. Users who notice a broken link, omission, or error are invited to report it by sending an email via  via the contact form (https://www.nomadsister.com/en/help/). 
The Company shall not be held liable for any facts other than those relating to the Site's publication. However, the Company cannot guarantee the completeness of its content or the absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus).

The Company does not guarantee the availability or performance of the Site.

Users cannot hold the Company liable for any missed gain, loss of opportunity, or revenue.

The Company shall not be held responsible for the non-functioning, inability to access, or poor conditions of use of the Site attributable to unsuitable equipment, issues with the Users' internet service provider, or internet network failures.

The Company shall not be held responsible for the consequences of improper use of the Site by Users or violation of these T&Cs. In such cases, the Company reserves the right to take any action necessary to preserve its rights or obtain compensation.

The Company cannot be held liable for the unavailability, whether temporary or permanent, of the Site and, although it makes every effort to ensure continuous service, it may be interrupted at any time, without notice, for maintenance purposes necessary for the Site's proper functioning, without such interruption giving rise to any right to compensation for Users.

As the host of the Service considered here, within the meaning of the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for confidence in the digital economy (LCEN), the Company shall not be liable for content published by Members on the Site over which the Company has no control or surveillance. The Company reserves the right to remove any content that is obviously illegal and has been reported by a Member, in accordance with the legal provisions in force and notably those set forth in the LCEN of June 21, 2004.

The Company reminds that anyone who presents content or activity as illegal to obtain its removal or cessation of its dissemination, while knowing this information to be inaccurate, is punishable by one year of imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros (art. 6. I-4 of the LCEN).

The Company's liability cannot be sought in the event of exercising this power to remove or withdraw reported content, and the Member whose content is unpublished cannot make any claims against the Company. The Company commits to implementing all necessary means to ensure data security and confidentiality. However, it does not guarantee total security.

9.2.2. Company Liability for the Matching Service

As the intermediary and not a party in any capacity to the agreements made between the Host Member and the Traveling Member, the Company shall not be held responsible for difficulties, claims, and disputes that may arise during the connection or during the accommodation. Consequently, each Member releases the Company from any liability:

  • For the direct or indirect consequences resulting from the connection.
  • For the agreements made between connected Members such as the terms of reception and accommodation (schedules, meeting place, planned activities, accommodation comfort, etc.), and shall not be held responsible for any changes in organization or cancellation of the accommodation. It is worth noting that the Company does not offer an accommodation service, but a connection service.
  • In the event of theft or damage to the Member's property or money by a Traveling Member she hosted or by the Host Member who hosts her.
Although considered reliable and offering a verification system of Profiles maximizing Members' security, the Company encourages Members to take all necessary precautions for their safety, as the service offered by the Company cannot completely guarantee Members' security. Thus, the Company declines all liability related to a security issue.

The Company's liability can only be engaged for direct damages suffered by a Member, resulting from a failure by the Company to meet its contractual obligations as defined herein. The Member therefore waives the right to seek compensation from the Company for indirect damages such as loss of profit, loss of opportunity, commercial or financial loss, increased overheads, or losses originating from or resulting from the execution of these terms.

The Member is solely responsible for damages caused to third parties and the consequences of claims or actions that may arise. 
10. Services

10.1. Description of Services

The Services covered by the T&Cs are those listed on the Site and are offered directly by the Company or its partner providers. The Services are described on the corresponding page within the Site and all their essential characteristics are mentioned. The Company connects Traveling Members with Host Members to allow Traveling Members to travel and be hosted for free by Host Members. To this end, Members can notably:

  • Register on the Site, Subscribe, and create an Account;
  • Search for Members by criteria and view Profiles;
  • Write comments on the Site. The Company cannot be held responsible if a Traveling Member does not find any Host Member at her destination or if no Host Member accepts her accommodation requests. It is recommended to read the FAQs accessible on the Site and the travel advice before making any purchase.
10.2. Access to Services

Any Member with internet access can access the Services from anywhere. The costs incurred by the Member to access the Services (internet connection, computer equipment, etc.) are not the responsibility of the Company.

10.3. Provision of Services

The Services will be provided by the Company. The Company commits to deploying all human and material resources necessary to deliver the Services announced during registration. However, it cannot be held liable for any failure or delays in the delivery of Services due to faults not attributable to it. If the Services have not been provided within the expected timeframe, for example, if the Company has not validated the Member's Profile within the specified time and conditions, the Member may request the termination of the sale under the conditions provided in Articles L216-2 and L216-3 of the Consumer Code. The amounts paid by the Traveling Member will be refunded at the latest within fourteen days following the termination of the contract. These provisions do not apply when the Company's delay is due to the Member's fault or a force majeure event, which means the occurrence of an unforeseeable, irresistible event beyond the Company's control.


In the context of the Services, Members can post comments on the blog section of the Site. Members who have been connected through the Site and have met each other can post comments on another Member's profile. Members agree to comply with these T&Cs when they post comments.

11.1. Conditions for Posting Comments

Members are informed and acknowledge that the Company reserves the right to delete any comment that violates the stipulations of the "General Obligations" section, in accordance with the "Company Liability" section, and more generally:

  • if the Company believes that its civil or criminal liability could be engaged;
  • if the textual content includes insults or vulgarities;
  • if the content (text, document, image, etc.) is unrelated to the topic;
  • if the review's attributes contain specific elements of conflict of interest;
  • if the textual content is so poorly written that it is unintelligible;
  • if a Member makes an inappropriate comment about another content or its author;
  • if the textual content intended for publication contains personal information, such as the first or last name of individuals who are not public figures, a phone number, a precise physical address, or an email address;
  • if the textual content contains a credit card number, social security number, bank account number, or any other information that could lead to identity theft;
  • if the textual content includes a call to legal action;
  • if the content mentions websites, hyperlinks, URLs, email addresses, or phone numbers;
  • if the textual content is spam. If a Member who has posted manifestly fraudulent comments or comments contrary to public order and morals is identified, and after applying procedures related to rejecting or deleting comments, the Company may delete the Member's Account, along with all related comments.
11.2. Deleting and Retaining Comments

The Member who has posted a comment can request its deletion afterward via the contact form (https://www.nomadsister.com/en/help/). Unless the comment is deleted at the Member's request, the comments are published on the Site for three (3) years after the end of the relationship with the Member. The Member is informed that she may be contacted by the Company for verification purposes of the authenticity of her review, by email and/or phone. In accordance with the "Personal Data Processing" section, the Member has rights regarding the data concerning her.

11.3. Right of Reply

Each Member has a right of reply to:

  • Provide her version of the facts;
  • Thank the Member for her contribution;
  • Indicate any changes made since the comment was written.
11.4. Use of Comment Content

By posting a comment, the Member expressly authorizes the Company to publish and distribute it on the Site along with the mention of her first and last name. The Company reserves the right, exceptionally, to use the comment content in various ways, including publishing it on the Site, modifying its format, incorporating it into advertisements or other documents, creating derivative works from it, highlighting it, distributing it, and allowing others to do the same on their websites and media platforms. Consequently, the Member hereby gives the Company her irrevocable consent to use this content for any purpose, and she irrevocably waives any claims and assertions relating to moral or proprietary rights regarding this content. 
12. Price and Payment Methods

The Company freely determines the minimum price for Membership. The price of the Service is indicated in euros, all taxes included (TTC), and takes into account applicable reductions effective on the day of purchase. The indicated price does not include any incidental fees, which will be indicated if applicable in the summary before finalizing the purchase. The Company reserves the right to change the minimum price for Membership. The Company will inform each Member by email to the address provided by the Member during registration on the Site (or later modified in their Account) of any price increase, at least 15 (fifteen) days before it takes effect. In such a case, the Member who does not accept this price increase can terminate their Membership under the conditions indicated in Article 13, with the termination taking effect at the next Membership renewal date. If the Member does not terminate the Membership, the new pricing will apply from the next renewal date following the new pricing’s effective date. A Member can never demand the application of reductions that are no longer effective on the day of the Membership purchase. It is reminded that the costs of connection and communication (Internet and mobile Internet) related to the use of the Services are not covered by the Company and remain the responsibility of the Users. Unless otherwise stipulated, all purchases are paid in full at the time of purchase and at each renewal. Payment must be made by credit card at the time of purchasing a Membership. In the event of total or partial non-payment of the price at the time of purchasing a Membership, the purchase will not be finalized, and the User will not be able to benefit from their Membership. Upon the Membership's expiration date, i.e., on the anniversary of the purchase date, renewal is automatic, and payment of the corresponding price will be made by automatic debit from the same credit card. The Traveling Member will be notified by email before the Membership renewal, no earlier than three months and no later than one month before the Membership’s expiration date. Once the access period to the service has expired, if the Membership is not renewed, the Member becomes a Former Member, cannot access her profile, or contact other members. However, she can still access her account to delete it if she wishes. She can regain access to all services and recover her profile if she renews her Membership.

13. Termination of Membership

The Member is informed that, under the provisions of Article L.215-1 of the Consumer Code regarding the tacit (automatic) renewal of contracts: "For service contracts concluded for a fixed term with a tacit renewal clause, the service provider informs the consumer in writing, by a dedicated letter or email, no earlier than three months and no later than one month before the end of the period allowing for the rejection of renewal, of the possibility of not renewing the contract with a tacit renewal clause. This information, provided in clear and understandable terms, includes, in a visible box, the deadline for non-renewal. When this information has not been provided to him in accordance with the first paragraph, the consumer can terminate the contract free of charge at any time from the renewal date. Advance payments made after the last renewal date or, in the case of fixed-term contracts, after the date of transformation of the initial fixed-term contract, are refunded within thirty days from the termination date, after deducting amounts corresponding to the execution of the contract up to that date. The provisions of this article apply without prejudice to those legally subjecting certain contracts to specific rules regarding consumer information". Additionally, Article L.241-3 of the Consumer Code states: "When the professional has not made the refund under the conditions provided in Article L.215-1, the sums due shall bear interest at the legal rate". The Traveling Member can cancel the automatic renewal of her Membership at any time from her Account on the Site. The termination will be effective at the end of the current Membership period, provided that her request was sent at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before the end of the period, and until the end date and time as indicated on the Member's Account.

14. Suspension of a Member

The Company reserves the right to withdraw access to the service from a Member who does not comply with the T&Cs. In the event of the Member failing to renew the Membership fee within the required timeframe, the Company will suspend access to the Services for the Member as mentioned in the "Purchase of a Membership" article. The expiration of the Membership does not necessarily generate the deletion of the Account, as the Former Member retains the possibility of accessing the Account deletion functionalities.

15. Deletion of the Account

To permanently delete her Account, the Member can permanently delete it directly from the Site. When the Member has not used her Account for more than two (2) years, the Company will send an email to the address provided when the Account was created. If the Member does not confirm her intention to continue using the Site or Application, the Account will be deleted. The Member is informed and acknowledges that the deletion of the Account is final and results in the deletion of the Profile and photos; a new registration and the creation of a new Account will then be necessary to access the Services again.
16. Absence of the Right of Withdrawal

In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 221-25 of the Consumer Code, the Traveling Member expressly acknowledges and accepts (i) that the provision of Services begins immediately after the validation of the Membership purchase, that is, before the end of the fourteen-day period provided by the Consumer Code, and (ii) consequently acknowledges and accepts that they do not benefit from the right of withdrawal related to online or distance selling. Therefore, no withdrawal or refund request will be accepted for the subscribed period.

17. Processing of Personal Data

Processing of Personal Data Members are informed that registration on the Site, particularly the connection services provided by the Site, results in the collection and automated processing of personal data concerning them by the Company as the data controller. This use is subject to Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, known as the "Data Protection Act," and the European Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, known as the "GDPR." The Company's data protection policy is detailed in the Privacy Policy available at the following address: [https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/74463076].

Legal Basis for Processing The legal basis for processing is the performance of a contract.

Purpose of Processing The data collected is necessary for the provision of the Services. Without this data from the Member, the Company will not be able to provide the Services. This data is stored and used only for purposes such as:

  • Processing Member registrations,
  • Managing the purchase of a Pass;
  • Managing the purchase of a Gift Pass;
  • Managing the activation of a Gift Pass;
  • Managing the purchase of Membership;
  • Meeting the Company's connection needs;
  • Responding to contact requests addressed to the Company;
  • Improving the functioning of the Site. The Member acknowledges that by using the Site, their data may be transmitted to third parties for the purpose of providing the Service, particularly to Host Members and Traveling Members with whom the connection is made. The Member may also receive information or commercial offers from the Company or, with their consent, from its partners. The Member can object to receiving these commercial offers at any time and withdraw their consent by writing to the Company at the address indicated above or by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in the received emails.
Data Retention Period Data related to exchanges and connections between Members is retained for the legal prescription period. Data related to Service billing will be retained for ten (10) years from the billing date. At the end of the retention periods, the Company will proceed with the permanent deletion of any data still in its possession.

Recipients of Personal Data The Company will transmit the Profile data of Members to provide the Services in accordance with these T&Cs (i) to the payment provider, (ii) to the concerned Members in the context of the connection. The Site may also use third-party companies, freelancers, or Ambassador Members to perform certain operations related to the Services. By browsing the Site, the Member agrees that third-party companies, freelancers, or Ambassador Members may have access to their data to ensure the proper functioning of the Site and the provision of Services. These third-party companies, freelancers, and Ambassador Members only have access to the collected data within the scope of providing the Services. Member information may finally be transmitted to third parties without their prior express consent in the following cases:

  • To comply with applicable regulations;
  • To protect any person from serious bodily harm or death;
  • To fight against fraud or harm to the Company or its Members;
  • To protect the Company's property rights.
Data Security and Confidentiality The Company commits to implementing all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data.

Rights of the Data Subjects In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, Members have, at any time, the right to access, restrict, rectify, port, oppose, and delete personal data concerning them. Members also have the right to define directives on how these rights should be exercised after their death. Members can exercise this right by writing, with proof of identity,  via the contact form (https://www.nomadsister.com/en/help/). Members have the right to file a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (www.cnil.fr).

18. Cookies

To allow its Users and Members to benefit from optimal navigation on the Site and better functioning of various interfaces and applications, the Company may place a cookie on their computer. This cookie allows the storage of information related to navigation on the Site and any data entered by Users and Members (including searches, login, email, password). Users and Members expressly authorize the Company to place a so-called "cookie" file on their hard drive. The terms of the Company's use of cookies are detailed in the Cookie Policy available at the following address: [https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/74463076/cookie-policy].

19. Intellectual Property

The Site, the general structure of the Site, and all its components, including software, database structures, texts, information, analyses, images, photographs, graphics, trademarks, logos, sounds, or any other data contained on the Site, remain the exclusive property of the Company or, where applicable, their respective owners with whom the Company has concluded usage agreements. They may not be reproduced, used, or represented without the Company's express written authorization, under penalty of legal action. The Company grants Users and Members a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Site and the original works and data contained on the Site. Any other rights are expressly reserved by the Company. Any dissemination, exploitation, representation, reproduction, whether partial or complete, of the Site and/or its components, without the express authorization of the Company, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by the Intellectual Property Code. Any other use of the Site, particularly commercial use, by Users and Members is prohibited without the express written authorization of the Company. Users and Members are prohibited from reproducing and/or representing, downloading, selling, distributing, issuing, translating, adapting, exploiting, distributing, disseminating, and communicating, in any form, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, any original work or data contained on the Site. Users and Members are also prohibited from introducing data on the Site that would alter or likely alter the content or appearance of the data, the presentation, or the organization of the Site or the works featured on the Site, by any means. The trademark and logo are the exclusive property of the Company. Blog Article: Members can write blog articles that may be accessible via a link on their profile. Members can also offer the article to the Company's editorial team by clicking on "propose my article." In this case, the article may be edited by the Company's editorial team, becoming a collective work owned by the Company and can no longer be modified by the Member. 
20. Duration of the Contract

The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract takes effect for the User and the Member from the beginning (i) of the use of the Services by the Member, and (ii) of the navigation on the Site by the User. The Services are valid for the duration of the Membership.

21. Invalidity of a Clause

In the event that any provision of these T&Cs is declared invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the other provisions will remain applicable without change, except in cases where the contract cannot continue without it.

22. Claims

Any claim regarding the application of these T&Cs must be addressed to the Company  via the contact form (https://www.nomadsister.com/en/help/), with a declaration expressing reservations and claims, along with the relevant supporting documents. A claim not meeting the conditions described above will not be accepted.

23. Jurisdiction Clause

The law governing these T&Cs is French law, except for more favorable public order provisions for the consumer. Any dispute that may arise between the Company and a Member during the execution of these terms will be subject to an attempt at amicable resolution. Failing that, disputes will be brought to the attention of the competent common law courts. The Member is informed that they can use mediation services for consumer disputes related to a service performed on the Site. In accordance with the rules applicable to mediation, any consumer dispute must first be submitted in writing to the Company via the contact form (https://www.nomadsister.com/en/help/) The Member has the option to submit any complaints on the dispute resolution platform provided by the European Commission at the following address: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=FR The European Commission will transfer the Client's complaint to the competent national mediators.