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Between Misunderstandings and Unexpectations... Travelers, Hosts, get ready!


It does not matter how well prepared you think you are for your leaving, you won’t be able to predict everything.
And that is one of the reasons why we go for an adventure: to live an unexpected experience! That said, it is better to avoid as best as we can possible complications.

1st advice: You shall prevent in advance

Anticipate your trip and contact the hosts at least three or four weeks in advance. We all have a life, different projects, unavailabilities, to deal with. The sooner you prepare your trip, the higher your chances are to get positive answers.

2nd advice: You shall talk about details.

Traveler, do not hesitate to precise if you are in public transport, if you have no sleeping bag, no hygiene products (shampoo, toothbrush, towel, etc.), if you need something in particular (access to the kitchen?). Same for you, dear hosts, precise if your visitor will sleep on a couch, with or without a pillow and a blanket, if you have time to spend with her, if you can take her in your car to drive her somewhere, etc..

3rd advice: You shall be reliable.

When you fix an hour to meet the traveler or the host, be sure to be punctual. If there is any unexpected event that may delay you, tell the person you are supposed to see about it, by sending her a message or by calling her.

4th advice: You shall be fair.

As a host, you are not obligated to spend money for your guest (meals, transportation, etc..).

Traveler, if your host chooses to do so anyway, propose to share the fees with her, like you would do so for a friend (shopping at the supermarket can be fun, for instance!). If you cannot bring a financial contribution, tell her from the beginning, so there won’t be any misunderstanding.

At last, of course, if you are a soon-to-be globetrotter, find out about the steps to follow and the documents you need to bring with you to the airport before taking your airline tickets. Think about your passport (or another identity card if you do not need this one), visa, assurances, money conversion, phone package, what you can or cannot take with you into the plane, etc..

Do not hesitate to refer back to our ‘travelers advices’ rubric.

I wish you to live beautiful encounters!


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Whether you are an avid traveller or a first-time adventurer, all NomadSister editors are passionate about travel. They share their advice and experiences with the desire to give you wings!

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