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Who are we?
We are passionate about travel and freedom.

NomadSister is a community of women driven by two common passions: meeting people and travelling.

Women travellers are hosted free of charge in the homes of hostesses, for the duration of their stay. The encounters can be ephemeral, they may become wonderful travel memories, and sometimes, strong friendships are forged, for life.

Who are the people behind this initiative?

Christina : Activist founder, I am at the service of the emancipation of women

Hello! First of all, if you are reading this, you might be a few steps away from joining us. Thank you!

I was born in Taiwan and I have resided in Edinburgh, London, Florence, Berlin, Paris, Marseille, and Taipei. Previously, I worked as a sales manager in start-ups and multinational corporations in the IT and tourism sectors. I decided to settle down in Bordeaux to launch my dream project - NomadSister.

What motivates me?

I have been travelling alone since I was 18. It completely changed my life and made me an independent woman. I think that everyone, men and women, should try out a solo adventure at least once in their lives. Honestly, you’ll come back totally transformed. But for women, there are many obstacles. The concerns from my family and friends, followed by several misfortunes with my hosts, convinced me that a reassuring solution was needed so that all women can travel with peace of mind.

I founded NomadSister in 2019 with the ambition of creating a safer world for all women travellers.

My Linkedin profile

Derek: Adventurer storyteller, I love great stories

I planned to work in the cultural management sector and so I obtained my Masters in Event Management in 2003.

But then, Theodore came into my life - a dear friend from Benin, who said to me “come and visit me in my home in Cotonou”.

A six-month internship in Benin has completely transformed me - I am from Brittany. I decided to leave France to discover the world, going from one country to another, in total immersion with the local people. I have lived in Latvia, Quebec, India, Burkina Faso, Japan, and Greenland, and backpacked through Eastern Europe.

I became a storyteller and told my discoveries all over France.

Then I met Christina.

I fell utterly in love with her idea "NomadSister" (and with her by the way). I became specialized in digital marketing to support her dream. I believe in the positive impact this could have on all women worldwide. I hope that one day women will be able to travel freely, feeling safe, just as men do.

My Linkedin profile My show page

An incredible team

Maxime, Amélie, Théotime, Laura, Ines, Caterina, Tim, Axelle... More than 50 people have contributed to the creation of NomadSister. Freelancers, interns, partners, friends, everyone has contributed to the startup, with passion, with the determination to work for something that makes sense.

NomadSister is a militant startup for gender equality, driven by the goals of a committed team and a whole community of supporters.

Travel, meet, share, live! and if you haven't already done so, join us now.

How does it work?


Register, complete your profile

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Validation of your profile

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Contact the hostesses and travel

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