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My checklist for a road trip


After my many solo trips I decided to try a road-trip. It was a great adventure that I recommend to everyone, but the preparation was quite sporty. 

I'll share with you my checklist of what I considered to be my essentials for this adventure so that you can go on a road-trip in your turn!

Concerning the documents for a road-trip:

  • your passport or identity card if you stay in Europe
  • your driving licence + its international equivalent
  • your credit card or cash according to your preferences
  • your insurance certificate 
  • your European Health Insurance Card
  • a map of the region or country you are travelling through
  • a copy of all these documents may also be useful

For the equipment needed, it depends on how much space you have, but here are a few ideas that you might find useful:

  • a notepad or paper and pens 
  • scissors and/or a knife 
  • clothes pegs and a thread if you are camping in the wild (the clothesline may be a bit big for your backpack)
  • a lighter 
  • adhesive tape
  • a mirror
  • a plastic bag for your waste
  • shower towel
  • a book
  • a sleeping bag

On the high-tech side:

  • your mobile phone 
  • a camera if your phone is not enough for you
  • chargers or batteries, depending on the device
  • a multi-socket outlet
  • a plug adapter
  • an external battery 
  • a lamp 

What about the outfit? That will depend on your destination, but you can pick one of these:

  • T-shirts
  • jumpers
  • a Kway
  • shorts, skirts
  • jogging
  • a cap 
  • hiking boots (if you plan to wear them)
  • trainers
  • socks 
  • underwear
  • sunglasses
  • swimsuit
  • and why not an evening dress (you never know)

And the toiletry bag:

  • a toothbrush and toothpaste
  • soap
  • a razor
  • tweezers (can be useful for spines too)
  • cotton buds
  • a hairbrush
  • tissues
  • (for my part) the essential sun cream
  • after-sun care in case of forgetfulness
  • toilet paper (or greener lota system as in India or the Maghreb)  

For the pharmacy :

  • mosquito repellent
  • paracetamol
  • ibuprofen
  • any other medication that you consider necessary based on your experiences
  • antiseptic
  • bandages 
  • healing cream or biafine cream

Here you are (more or less) ready to go! This list is of course not exhaustive but you can always draw inspiration from it if you wish…

Have a good road-trip!


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