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Refer a your friend and receive a free Pass


Many of you have shown us your support by talking about us around you, by giving us moving feedbacks on your encounters.
That's why we wanted to thank you, but also thank our future travellers.
We have therefore set up a referral system which allows you to get a free pass.
What is it? The principle of a referral program, but between women.

How does it work? We explain it to you.

4 steps, a few clicks and you get a free pass!

 Are you already a traveller or hostess?
 If not, it's time to sign up
If you are, then you may become a referring member: 
1/ Find a friend who would be tempted to travel solo. 
2/ Tell her how great our community is and advise her to buy a pass (or give it to her as a gift). 
3/ It's a strong argument: at the time of purchase, she can get a discount thanks to you: 

  • 20€ for the annual pass, 
  • 10€ for the 2 month pass. 

 All she has to do is enter her referring friend's email address (you!) when she buys, just like a promotional code. She thus becomes your referee... 
4/ ... and you have become a referring member! An email will confirm it and will give you all the explanations to benefit from your gifts: 
  • 1 referee = 1 free 3-month pass, which you can activate whenever you want. 
  • 2 referees = 1 free 1-year pass, which you can activate whenever you want. 

 A simple process which allows you to please and please YOURSELF.

How to sponsor a Gift Pass? A clever trick!

 If you are a hostess or a traveller and you want to offer a Pass to a friend (not to yourself), you can indeed refer this Gift Pass. But be careful, as you can't be a referring member and a referee one at the same time, it requires a little trick and 2 minutes of concentration, follow the guide:
1/ Log out of the platform, then click on "register".
2/ Create a new account with a new email address, you will receive a confirmation email.
3/ After confirming, you will be redirected to the site, connect to this new account, but there is no need to continue with the registration, click directly on "offer a pass".
4/ Just before payment, you will be asked if you have someone referring you. Yes, you write the email of your main account (the one where you are a host or a traveller), and that's it!
Important clarification! In this situation, it is of course forbidden to offer this Gift Pass to yourself.


How do I find a referee member?

 Whether it's a friend, an acquaintance or simply someone you want to give a promotion to, the principle of referring is win-win. Anyone who has your login email can become your referee and thus give you access to a free pass, while also benefiting from a 10 to 20 euros discount.

Why travel with SisterHome?

To help you put into words why you are part of the SisterHome community, here are a few ideas that might inspire you:
1/ It is the only secure platform dedicated to solo travellers.
By using SisterHome, you can be sure to travel through a secure network of trusted women. Thanks to a unique hybrid verification system, human and digital, and a constant follow-up of the meetings, to guarantee a benevolent community spirit, based on mutual help.

Each of our hostesses welcomes you into their home for free as if you were a friend. And guess what, they enjoy it as much as you do. As they know their region, they will be able to tell you which places to see or avoid. Ideal for a safe trip.

Why create a secure couchsurfing site?

2/ To make authentic encounters
As a traveller, you don't pay for the accommodation, the price of the Pass helps to develop the platform and allow a better service to our users. Our hostesses do not see you as a client and generously welcome you simply to help you fulfill your dream of solo travel.

Discover 7 reasons to become a supportive hostess.

3/ A small step for you, a big step for women
 Travelling with SisterHome also means supporting the freedom and emancipation of women throughout the world. Hosting at SisterHome means that many solo travellers who feared for their safety can finally take the plunge. In both ways, the adventure is collective and beneficial to all. In the end, it's all much bigger than it seems.
 Lara Croft vs Indiana Jones: Today's adventurer is a woman!

4/ Testimonials from our users
Here are some articles that are easy to share with your friends and family. Opinions from our travellers and hosts who have experienced the platform. In all transparency, they tell you about their adventures. 
I tested SisterHome, what I think about it. 
Travelling and sleeping in the homes of local people: I validate! 
Bike ride with Sylwia in La Rochelle 

So are you ready to take the plunge? 





The editorial team:

Whether you are an avid traveller or a first-time adventurer, all NomadSister editors are passionate about travel. They share their advice and experiences with the desire to give you wings!

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