Quiz: Which Travel Companion Is Right for You?

Question 1: When you go away, with or without a travel friend, you like:
A) Partying, going out, seeing people.
B) To rest and enjoy your stay in an idyllic setting.
C) To take beautiful walks in the city or in the forest.
D) To take advantage of the opportunity to concentrate on yourself, to recharge your batteries.
Question 2: If I tell you ‘secret’, you think of:
A) Stacey, your best friend since childhood, you can’t think of spending a day without her.
B) Your beloved, you entrust him/her so much.
C) Toffee your cat and Chocolate your dog, they may not answer you, but you know that they listen to you (and even speak to you in your mind).
D) No one in particular, you're not the type to share a secret and prefer to keep everything to yourself.
Question 3: Your holiday essentials:
A) Your selfie stick to take your best pictures by posing like a model.
B) Earplugs so you don't have to listen to your fellow travellers snoring.
C) A good pair of hiking boots to be able to walk along various paths.
D) Headphones to hear only the music and you.
Question 4: For the accommodation you prefer:
A) A beautiful villa by the sea, perfect for enjoying and having fun.
B) A small house or a hotel rented for the week with a double bed and a bathtub, something romantic.
C) A small chalet in the mountains surrounded by greenness, ideal to recharge your batteries.
D) A bed & breakfast, a room in a local house, something original and exotic.
Question 5: Your perfect evening is:
A) Restaurant, then dancing bar and possibly the nightclub.
B) Meal around a good wine, walk under the moonlight and discuss the next day's planning.
C) A quiet dinner in your room and channel surfing before falling asleep in front of a TV.
D) Typical dish of the region and meeting with locals, total immersion.
Question 6: To manage your budget when you travel or in your daily life you:
A) Spend without thinking about it, you only have one life after all.
B) Ask your beloved for advice (or even let him or her manage it).
C) Buy carefully, make lists, you don't want to exceed your budget.
D) Use an app to make sure you always keep an eye on your spending while enjoying yourself.
Question 7: You are going away with a travel friend, what are your expectations of him/her?
A) That he or she follows you on your various expeditions without flinching but also gives you his or her opinion on activities to try.
B) That he or she is calm, consults with you on decisions, that you have your word to say and that you can discuss as adults.
C) May he follow you in all your adventures and always be ready to move with you.
D) That he/she wants to discover as much as you do and don't deppreciate all your ideas for a tan on the beach.
Question 8: People say that you are:
A) Super friendly, you're talkative, love to chat.
B) Calm and patient.
C) Hyperactive, you like to move and exercise.
D) Curious, eager to learn.
Question 9: You are going on an expedition with a group, you:
A) Are so happy, it's an opportunity to meet great travel friends.
B) Enjoy the moment in this heavenly spot…
C) Don't really listen and would prefer to discover the depths of this forbidden cave.
D) Are annoyed by how this tour is dragging you, you would have taken less time on your own.
Question 10: It is raining outside, you are forced to stay in your accommodation, you:
A) Call your girlfriends and enjoy a spa day.
B) Run a nice hot bath sprinkled with rose petals.
C) Grab your pair of trainers and off you go for an indoor sports session.
D) Chat with the people around you and share your adventures with them.

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