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Chasing the sun in February: Hot destinations to visit


You are tired, a little numb, and you caught a slight cold.

It's normal, it's February. The doctor has prescribed you some vitamins: "two pills in the morning before drinking your coffee, it will boost your immune system".

You take them, these little capsules, to give you a little energy at the end of winter. It has been tough: between work, family and shortened days, you haven't really had time for yourself. 

You are probably longing for summer, and honestly, me as well... The feeling of warm sand under your fingers, the smell of sun-drenched plants, the crystalline sound of a river, all these little pleasures of a summer adventure that is still far away.

Fortunately, tonight, on TV, there is Indiana Jones. You'll be able to share his desert and jungle escapades, just to get a whiff of the exotic.

Except that, miracle! While you are quietly sitting on your sofa, Indiana leaps out of the screen and grabs you to take you with him to the other side of the TV. 

And wham! Here you are immersed in sunny settings, where the heat deliciously tingles your skin, where adventure takes you to authentic encounters and picturesque landscapes.

No, it's not a dream: or at least, it soon won't be. 

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Thanks to my small selection of the best destinations where to go in February for the sun, you'll be able to treat yourself with such a solo getaway.

After all, in real life, why couldn't Indiana Jones be a woman? Yes, today's globetrotter is you!

It's up to you to go on expeditions under the sun, to you to discover new places, and the world! 

All you have to do is choose what you prefer: a more accessible escape to get you in the swing of things, or a more daring odyssey to jump straight into the unknown?

1. First choice of destinations where to go in February for the sun: from Morocco to the DROMadories

You have never been away alone before? 

You can use our 10 tips to organise your first solo trip and get your plane ticket for the four destinations I'm going to introduce you to right away. 

This way you can make sure you travel without too many stopovers to reassure yourself in your project.

If, on the other hand, you already live in these regions... Why not welcome a solo female traveller into your home and introduce her to your exceptional environment? 

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You will become its ambassador so you can share the values that are dear to you and ensure more responsible tourism in your beautiful region.

  • Morocco

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Morocco is an excellent destination for you to go in February for sun.

Marrakech, for example, enjoys an average temperature of 20 degrees in winter, ensuring you a pleasant stay where your comforter will be moaning about your absence. 

Situated in the heart of this vast country, it is nestled at the foot of the Atlas Mountains and benefits from a rare cultural halo: a former imperial city, its heritage is more than remarkable. 

There is no lack of activities in this economic artery, but the best thing is to let yourself be guided by a local who will share his daily life with you.

Find an authentic female host in Marrakech.

Meknes is another city to discover in Morocco according to Patricia, a traveller who travelled the country for 6 months before choosing to settle in this authentic town. 

Ranked in the top 10 cities to visit in 2019 by the very famous Lonely Planet guide, it seems clear that it is a must in the country. I haven't even told you yet that it is protected by UNESCO... In case you still doubt its potential. 

It's a good thing: Patricia is a hostess who will be ready to welcome you according to her availability.

Find an authentic female host in Meknes.

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Finally, why not make a stopover in the Sahara? 

Yes, rather than suffocating in the middle of summer, discovering the sand dunes in February will allow you to fully breathe in the mildness of its temperatures (which still go up to 30 degrees...) 

I haven't yet had the chance to see these landscapes with my own eyes: but I dream of climbing the dunes at dawn to admire the ochre sand bathed by the light of the rising sun. 

It's much better than a few vitamin pills, isn't it?

  • Tahiti

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I've already talked about it as a flagship destination where to go to France in February, and for good reason: with a minimum of 25 degrees, this Polynesian island has something to make you dream. 

Diving is an activity not to be missed: the conditions are favourable and above all, the few tourists will allow you an exclusive tête à tête with its seascapes. With sea water at 28 degrees, it is not so difficult to be tempted by a sea excursion.

Rather white beach or black beach? Of volcanic origins, Tahiti has a thousand colours. Authentic villages, caves, waterfalls, it is a real little paradise. Moreover, if you are more into hiking than lazing around, there are some very beautiful paths to explore. 

Natural toboggans where the waterfalls have polished the rocks, unique flora and fauna, surfing spots where you can find the thickest waves in the world, the list of opportunities in Tahiti is still long: they are all accessible even if you are solo and promise a change of scenery for a French territory.

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We are not very far from the sun-drenched nature and the river noises we were talking about above... A huge playground that you can definitely discover on your own. 

Jessica  is an adventurous traveller who enjoyed a solo trip to Polynesia and I can assure you that her travel stories make you want to take the first plane to meet this exceptional region.

  • French Guiana
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It is often said that French Guiana is ideal in the dry season: but did you know that February is a month of "little rainy season" where showers follow the good weather in the evening?

It is therefore a mild period when the plants are swollen and the landscape green: it must be said that its territory is almost entirely covered by the Amazonian forest. 

Between mangroves and nature reserves, islands and beaches, rare and preserved ecosystems, French Guiana offers a whole range of sites, each more exceptional than the last.

Frankly, there is enough to feel the soul of an adventurer!

A rich and varied region, its fauna and flora are therefore to be discovered. Moreover, February is a month of celebration: it signs the Guyana carnival, which lasts nearly 2 months... 

Indeed, this festival brings together different communities (metropolitan, Brazilian and Chinese) according to an old tradition. 

A colourful and cheerful show that brings everyone together for weeks of fun and entertainment.

French Guiana is ultimately a wild and festive region, for a unique stay on the other side of the world while staying in France. An exotic and yet nearby land: the perfect mix for all those who dream of an accessible getaway. 

What if you were to determine your adventurer profile to find out if this destination is right for you?

Find an authentic female host in Kourou.

2. Second choice of destinations: between Ivory, Nordeste and Malabar

These three names don't mean much to you, do they? Come on, a little hint: I'm talking about 3 different geographical coasts.

If you're already used to travelling alone, or if you feel like challenging yourself after being convinced by the 7 good reasons to go on a solo holiday, then you may prefer this second choice of destinations where to go in February for sun.

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I strongly recommend, however, that you sleep in a private home to ensure a safer and more immersive environment. 

Adventure is all well and good, but it is better to benefit from a safe place to fully enjoy the experience.

Come on, without further suspense, here are the 3 countries to which the different coasts correspond:

  • The Ivory Coast

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February is the ideal month to discover this West African country. With temperatures peaking at 30 degrees, a dry season that is in full swing and offers optimal swimming... Between seaside resorts and tropical forests, arid savannahs and lake-fringed reliefs, there is no shortage of choices.

If you want to get away from it all and head off into the unknown, you've come to the right place. Why not start with a tour of the capital, Abidjan, a city teeming with activities and cultural diversity. 

Find an authentic female host in Abidjan.

Grand Bassam is another town worth a visit: a former capital, it is now nestled between past and future in a timeless architectural setting.

If you prefer natural landscapes, then head for Man: "the city of 18 mountains" is indeed surrounded by a chain of reliefs that you can hike through its lush forest. 

Part of it is even nicknamed "the sacred forest of monkeys". Proof that the fauna and flora of the Ivory Coast abounds in life and colour. 

  • Brazil 

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Brazil is a huge country: the fifth largest in the world. Covered in part by the Amazon rainforest and overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, whether you are interested in hiking, exploring or just lazing around, there is something for everyone.

Since the seasons are reversed, in February, Brazil lives the heart of its summer. An ideal period for the north and centre of the country. If you decide to go to Rio, for example, then bingo: the sea is very warm and you can also enjoy the carnival period...

Indeed, Rio's carnival is certainly the most famous in the world, and for good reason: it exudes a real fairy-tale atmosphere when, at nightfall, the floats go around illuminated with a thousand colours in the local songs and music. 

Samba schools compete for the best choreographies they have prepared throughout the year. This is a real show not to be missed if you are planning a holiday in Brazil.

But of course, it would be simplistic to limit this country to its carnival alone: the North, for example, is an often neglected region, although it is endowed with spectacular landscapes. 

And what could be better than to set off to meet this colourful and festive country thanks to a host who will know how to share her love of her country with you? 

Find an authentic female host in Fortim.

  • India

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Unlike the Ivory Coast and Brazil, February in India is the local winter... Yes, but a winter at 32 degrees. 

I don't know about you, but I've had worse!

February is the perfect time to treat yourself with a trip to India. 
So yes, I'll grant you: the sea is only 25 degrees... (I hear Tahiti giggling, Brittany a little less). Nevertheless, there is on average only one rainy day in the whole month.

Yes, yes, only one rainy day out of the 28 days of February.  Is it me or is there going to be a massive exodus from Brittany as a result of this article? Well, it is perhaps not for nothing that Véronique, a Breton woman, settled in Gurugram...

Find an authentic female host in Gurugram.

In short, you will have understood it: Indian February is ultimately the best plan if you want to go on a trip at that time. 

As for what you can do there... 

Visit the Taj Mahal and see one of the 7 wonders of the world, discover the fascinating soul of Delhi and lose yourself in the old quarter, admire Jaipur and its pink and oriental facades, explore the atypical Pondicherry where French and Indian architecture mix in a remarkable way...  

But wait, I haven't yet told you about Varanasi, the sacred heart of Hinduism where the Ganges meanders. 
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Do you like tea? You can also take a trip up to the Darjeeling resort, whose valleys are covered with the famous tea. You will even have a breathtaking view of the Himalayan range.

Well, I think you will have understood: I dream of going to India and it is difficult for me to talk about it objectively. On the other hand, I am lucid and I know that it is a destination where a woman alone must remain attentive.

But what's that noise... Ah, I think it's the ending credits of Indiana Jones starting. 

His adventures are over and you are ready to turn off the TV. Time flies when you start dreaming: it's already late, the night has settled down and an icy wind is blowing in the street.

Yes, winter is still here and seems to take pleasure in reminding you that the next warm days are still months away.

Tomorrow, you'll have to think about taking your vitamins to get through the end of this cold season… Or looking at plane tickets to choose your next adventure in the sun.

I don't know which country would have chosen our good old Indiana, but it doesn't matter: what will YOU choose?


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