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How to plan a road trip?


You are now convinced of the good reasons to go on a solo trip and have the firm intention to go on an adventure.

There are so many destinations to choose from?

What if you didn't choose?

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Plan a road-trip to discover several destinations in one trip.

But how do you do this? Planning a road trip seems to be much more complicated than organising your first solo trip. Don't worry, I'll help you on this adventure with a few preparation tips....

Step 1: Find the itinerary to plan a road-trip

You don't have any ideas in mind yet? What if you had a look at our best cheap places to visit in France?

Otherwise it's time to make your choice. Once you've decided on your destination you can then think about the route you want to take to get there and the points of interest you will pass through.

As far as the route is concerned there are many applications or sites that can help you find the best one. Of course you have Google Maps or the French app Michelin, but there are also sites specialising in road trips such as Road Trippers

If you plan a road trip on a motorbike, I recommend MotorCycle Diaries which offers you the best routes to plan a road trip on a motorbike but also the most suitable roads to take on a route that you have chosen.

Destination? Check! Itinerary? Check! All you have to do now is define what you want to visit or see on your road and you'll have already done the hard part!

The classic Eiffel Tower, the not very straight Tower of Pisa or the Colosseum by just going to Europe you will find many classics to discover or re-discover.

That's it, your route is planned, let's go to the next step!

Step 2: Plan a road-trip according to your destination

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Alright, this step is perhaps to be done at the same time as the first one after all.

Indeed, if you are going on a road-trip, just like on a classic trip, it is important to find out where you are going. Here you must also find out about the cities you will pass through on your itinerary. 
Find out about security in the country if it is abroad, the right of entry into this or that country if you are crossing borders. Some countries will ask you to present your visa, the procedures to obtain one may be very long and I advise you to do this several months in advance. And your driving license, is it valid internationally? Find out before you leave, it will cause you less stress, believe me! And if you're hitchhiking, think about safety rules!

Also, finding out where you can park and potentially camp if you don't sleep in the vehicle or at a locals’ is important. 

Why is that? Simply to avoid fines... Some owners can be very sticklers for restrictions and a night on their property can be enough to send you to court... Not that fun going back home with a 200€ fine, but for sure you'll remember this road-trip!
After these little tips to avoid getting the fine of the year and spending your money in the government banks, we hit the road again for the third stage:

Step 3 : Make a check-list of what you're taking with you

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This is an important step, it differs a bit depending on the transportation you choose but remains the same in the main lines. The check-list is an essential step whether you are going on a classic trip or a road-trip. 

Different according to the requirements of each, the destination chosen or the transport used, it includes many classics that can be used in any situation, even for a pyjama party (who would sleep elsewhere without taking their toothbrush?). It's also very useful to make sure you haven't forgotten anything. 

I'm leaving my hotel or my host's house: checklist to make sure I haven't forgotten anything!
If you sleep in your van or car, you'll surely be glad you thought of taking something to keep you busy on rainy days. 

If you need inspiration, I advise you to go and see Sylvie's special road-trip check-list and for those who would choose the motorbike or the bike Sylvie also reveals to you her secrets to make a 7 kg backpack!

Step 4 : Choosing your transport

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A road-trip is not only done by car. By van, motorbike, bicycle or even hitchhiking, there are many ways to enjoy the adventure. But then how do we choose the one that suits us best and that will make our trip as enjoyable as possible? I let you inspire me.

Each transport chosen to plan a road-trip has advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is to find the one that best suits our expectations of a road trip and that will make our stay as enjoyable as possible.

Now that you've decided which transport you're going to use, you just need to plan your budget and prepare your stops: will you sleep in a hotel or try homesharing?

As I was saying, 

Step 5: Plan your budget

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When we decide to plan a road-trip, we have to take into account everything we are going to do and even more for our budget. 
Gas, tolls, food, accommodation... Well of course it's a bit easier if you don't own a vehicle but you'll have the costs part to manage anyway. Choosing to stay at a locals' can also reduce de cost of the road-trip.

A getaway in the wilderness won't cost you anything, but a chicken sandwich at the local bakery will be deducted from your budget. If you want to visit monuments, museums or enjoy the amusement park of the city you are visiting, you should of course include the costs in your budget. 

In general, it is better to plan too much than too little. You will feel less guilty about having paid for your tour if you have stayed within your budget. How if you tried couchsurfing to save a bit money?

Finally, following on from the previous step:

Step 6: Prepare your stops and plan your stays

This is an important step if you are not planning to go camping but would like to stay in a hotel or homeshare. It is important to book well in advance to make sure you have a place or find a host. 

More complicated if you are travelling by bike or hitchhiking, however, it is necessary and the hardest part is to get the dates to coincide.

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If you have planned three stages you will need to be sure that you find accommodation in the second stage on the dates you have set before looking for one for the third. An obvious one, you might say. But sometimes caught up in the rush you can have a tendency to forget it. 

Having a plan B or C can also be quite useful if you don't want to find yourself out on the street in case your host is unable to accommodate you or if your hotel cancels your reservation.

For those who would choose to camp, again, be aware of the country-specific restrictions regarding where you are allowed to stay or not.

You are now ready to organise an unforgettable road trip, but what will be your destination?

And if you are still stressed at the idea of doing a road-trip here are a few tips for hitchhiking safely as a woman.


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